
My name is Alejandro Castellanos. I'm a nonprofessional photographer studying Mechatronics in Germany. My greatest passion in life is M U S I C and everything that has to do with it: from playing the guitar to designing the circuitry of a pedal. Being an engineer has made me used to observe, analyze and quantify. I have been taught to systemize my life in order to achieve the maximum efficiency, constantly searching for the option that maximizes the output. I am formulaic, periodic, clyclic... almost a machine.

Music is a way to feel human again. Its the vehicle through which humanity pours back into me. Its the only way that I can feel my body connecting with my S O U L, and thus, feeling as complete one can be. One cannot quantify or mechanize art, because it breathes in a different dimension! One thing is sure: it can be appreciated. That's what this blog is about: Feeling the music, trapping the moment... Transforming Music into Images. Making it possible to experience a simple note, or a beautiful harmony, all inside the constant limits of pictures.

Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2011

Stratovarius @Karlsruhe, DE

Date: 10.12.2011
Venue: Europahalle

Stratovarius was the third band to preform at the Knock Out Festival, being followed by Dragonforce. Personally, I would have prefered it the other way around, but thats life sometimes. Stratovarius are probably one of the most famous power metal bands. Every guitarist wants aspires to one day being able to play their famous instrumental: Stratosphere. Their technical abilities and incredible heroic songs make them a perfect band to watch live. I hope you like the pics!

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