
My name is Alejandro Castellanos. I'm a nonprofessional photographer studying Mechatronics in Germany. My greatest passion in life is M U S I C and everything that has to do with it: from playing the guitar to designing the circuitry of a pedal. Being an engineer has made me used to observe, analyze and quantify. I have been taught to systemize my life in order to achieve the maximum efficiency, constantly searching for the option that maximizes the output. I am formulaic, periodic, clyclic... almost a machine.

Music is a way to feel human again. Its the vehicle through which humanity pours back into me. Its the only way that I can feel my body connecting with my S O U L, and thus, feeling as complete one can be. One cannot quantify or mechanize art, because it breathes in a different dimension! One thing is sure: it can be appreciated. That's what this blog is about: Feeling the music, trapping the moment... Transforming Music into Images. Making it possible to experience a simple note, or a beautiful harmony, all inside the constant limits of pictures.

Montag, 19. Dezember 2011

Dragonforce @Karlsruhe, DE

Date: 10.12.2011
Venue: Europahalle

Dragonforce make their aparence as the number 4 on the Knock Out list. You can inmediately see a wave of fans moving towards the front of the venue, to get a chance and see them just a little bit better. Partly because the heavy drumming, and the fastness of the music, one cannot distinguish pefrectly whats going on musicaly. But one thing is for sure: anyone can enjoy this show. Guitar antics, jumping, crazy solos and a perfect frontman. Dragonforce might not be the favourite power metal band of everyone but they DO know how to put on an entretainging show. I hope you enjoy the pics!

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